Gun Physics? Gyroscopic Effect? Why do things sink and float? How do cars turn (single/rear/forward wheel drive)? hydraulics? How do car engines transmission work? What is energy? How simple machines work? How bar rotation is explained? Why does holding a rod stationary from its ends is tougher than holding it so from the centre? Has to do with torques but why can't I simulate it? Figure the reason behind the goddamned precision of rotation Confirm the linear fasion of distribution of forces that results in the whole concept of torques and simple machines An object accelerated by gravity behaves differently than an object put into motion by a collision Things put in motion by collision oscillate throughout. An object rotating AND translating is just a circle moving in a direction. The vectors make sure that the next circle is landed upon. Momenutum is quantity of motion. {And force the quantity of change in motion - This line has more wisdom than it lets on.} Arch structures and force spread in solids and liquids Oscillation in 1 dimension. {Intricately linked to rotation. In fact, rotation is oscillation in 2-D.} {also, oscillation is a simpler form of stable motion that is not linear. [Oscillatory Momentum?]} The magic of angular momentum - How velocities double as distances halve? {As of now: because linear momentum is conserved and rotation is a persistent collision. Total velocities remain the same, so to fit in half the area the velocites of individual particles are doubled.} Mathematical modelling. Please learn. Reinvent calculus if need be. Why does a linear fashion of velocity distribution fit the rotaional motion - Because then the forces cancel out and let the object behave as a rotating diparticle. How impulse velocity approximate to a perfect linear distribution of velocities in the case of a bar. {See the 5 particle simulation from rotation} Figure out: Mathematical modelling Eliptical motion reinvent calculus if need be. At utmost priority develop a method of simulation through entirely mathematical means where you can predict acc, vel, location of a particle. Essentially: given an acceleration fuction with control variable: s i.e a(s), convert it to a(t). Core of understanding all orbital motion: Investigate a particle moving in a certain direction on whom a force acts perpendicularly at some time. TO PROVE: If an object revolves in circle starts experiencing Centripetal Acceleration changes so that the distance from centre is halved and then again starts revolving in (now a smaller) circle, the velocity is doubles regardless of the quantity of centripetal force. CAUTION: Please investigate the bad model (the earth rotation model made in basic). Good idea for the distance-time transform