Things I have always wanted and still want to do in life?

Simplest desires: Think, solve, create/design, write, read, see

What I want to experience: total conviction, resolve, faith, joy of patience

Clear and Present:

  1. To have character, that brings displine and faith and patience
  2. To not lie
  3. To solve problems with joy
  4. To contemplate and meditate
  5. To write with joy
  6. To read with joy
  7. To be brave and do it despite the high probability of failure.

My oldest desires

  1. Understanding (back then, everything was phyiscal and mathematical)
  2. To be a mathematician who has tasted joy.
  3. To write in a way that no adjectives may justify.
  4. To think deeply till I find the thoughts from the fiber of existence

Desires I have now